Sipol Spa, (hereinafter also referred to as the Controller) headquartered in Mortara, Via Leonardo da Vinci, 5-27036 – Italy and Controller for the processing of personal or sensitive data, following this Social Media Policy which relates to the use of such data. The Controller provides the following information.
This Social Media Policy (“Social Media Policy”) must be intended as an annex to the Privacy & Cookie Policy documents available as a separate document found on the Sipol SpA website:
This Social Media Policy has the purpose of describing a Code of Conduct that users should respect when using the website and/or Sipol Spa spaces on social platforms.
Sipol Spa uses the web and “social technology platforms” (Hereinafter referred to as “Social Media”) for purposes of general interest in order to communicate with users across the network, granting access to the services provided and to promote their activities. Pages / social channels are also used by the Controller to encourage participation, confrontation, dialogue as well as ensuring the users transparency and sharing.
Sipol S.p.a. offers and will offer access doors to various Social Media such as Facebook where information can be consulted on link and Linkedin, where information is available on link – these services provide comment areas, message boards and public forums.
Contents are published by users, and may include information on the activities and services provided by the Controller. Information on projects in process, social initiatives, images, and videos relating to any event organized by the Controller. Services offering response to requests for information and assistance are available on the various pages / channels of such platforms. They also collect comments, questions, criticism and suggestions from users. When using social media, the user accepts the fact that published data (including texts, images and videos) is freely visible and therefore the Controller cannot guarantee “Privacy” of such information.
Comments and answers on Social Media
The objective of services offered by a Social Media Controller is that of being an alternative channel of communication on network answering all requests received publicly on pages / channels, forwarding them to the relevant structures so as to respond in a pertinent manner. Timeliness may vary depending on the type of request or question posed.
Warning against Risk
This section serves to warn the users to carefully evaluate the possibility of risk during their interventions, whether to include personal information or not (including e-mail addresses, phone numbers etc.), which may indirectly reveal their identity. The same attention should be applied when referring to sensitive data as well as publishing audio, photographic and video-graphic material which could allow the identification of people without given consent or authorization for the processing of such data. Users are also warned to be very careful to not include data that may indirectly identify third parties. Users should also be aware that interventions on social media may be publicly visible and accessible from any network user who has access to the site or by Social Media, indexed and traceable even by general search engines (Google, Yahoo etc.).
Rules for Use
Sipol Spa pages / channels which are available on various Social Media, can be followed freely by all network users, without authorization on behalf of Controller; for this reason Sipol Spa suggests taking great caution with the dissemination of personal and/or sensitive data when using such platforms . The terms of use and privacy policies applicable to each Social Media are published on their websites and regulate all information provided by the user . The Controller has no form of control on use of personal information disclosed in a public forum and comment balloon, therefore making the platform user is solely responsible for any disclosure. The Controller invites all social participants to express their views (whenever possible) with accuracy and measure; for this reason insults and vulgarity will not be tolerated. Sipol Spa reserves the right to report to the Social Media management when detecting the use of foul language, insults, threats and attitudes that could invoke violence.
Privacy and personal data
Please note that the processing of personal data of any user will respect the Policy Code applied on the platforms used. Privacy on Social Media is guaranteed to the extent that the user is aware of how he is using the platform, its service and its potential. Therefore, the information generated will be shared “voluntarily” by users who will be fully aware of any possible violation of the personal sphere. Article 21 of the Italian Constitution protects freedom of expression by posing some limits. Unfortunately among these we find that the reputation of others is rarely respected. When a judgment is expressed against a user, it should be remembered that the author may be held accountable for defamation when using expressions which are considered “too strong or colorful”. Everyone has the right to intervene and express their free opinion.
All personal data submitted by users will be processed by Sipol Spa in compliance with the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 and the provisions (especially matters concerning the purposes and processing methods of data) in the Privacy & Cookie Policy published on the Sipol Spa website, which the user is asked to view before reading the Social Media Policy.
Personal data is published spontaneously by users and the processing of such information on behalf of the Controller shall only be carried out for the services mentioned.
In this case, the data Controller is Sipol Spa, based in Mortara (PV), in Via Leonardo da Vinci No. 5-27036 – VAT 01842120188 – CF 01669490037 – ITALY, additional information regarding the processing and communication of data provided directly or otherwise acquired can be obtained from the Manager in charge of data processing data, at the Company headquarters. This notice naturally does not exclude that any other information be given orally.